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Music Studio

Enrolling your child in a music exam like Rockschool can be an enriching experience with numerous benefits. These exams offer a structured learning path, setting clear goals for your child's musical journey and providing valuable feedback from experienced examiners. Successfully passing an exam not only boosts their confidence but also serves as a valuable credential for future educational and career opportunities. Through exam preparation, your child will enhance their performance skills, deepen their music theory knowledge, and broaden their musical repertoire. Moreover, it fosters discipline, instills a sense of achievement, and encourages a lifelong love for music. Give your child the gift of structured musical growth and exploration by considering music exams as part of their education.

Level 1 - Beginner

Grades 1-3

UCAS Credit Value: 6,9,12 respectively.

Level 2 - Intermediate

Grades 4 & 5

UCAS Credit Value: 15,18 respectively.

Level 3 - Advanced

Grades 6-8

UCAS Credit Value: 22,27,32 respectively.

Rockschool London


Rock School’s graded music exams provide an opportunity for candidates to work towards accredited qualifications, playing the music they love. They assess progressive mastery on a musical instrument from Entry Level (Debut) up to Grade 8. Through reinforcing knowledge across all sections of the exam, they help candidates consolidate their learning and develop their skills in a more stimulating and enjoyable way.

Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM)


The Royal School is the world’s leading examination body for music, with a system of examinations and assessments in over 80 countries around the world. Established in 1889, the Royal School of Music provides schools, private teachers of music, and the general public with a scheme of music examinations of recognized authority. Examinations are offered in 35 instruments, singing, theory and practical musicianship and are open to students of all ages. The Royal School examines over half a million candidates each year making it the largest examining body for music in the world.

Trinity College, London


Trinity College London graded music exams are designed to provide a structured learning framework that evaluates a student’s progress at every level. Music exams equip learners with real-life skills to help them become confident musicians and performers. Trinity exams are internationally recognized, with UCAS points available at the higher grades.

Piano Keyboard

What is UCAS?

The Universities and Colleges Admission Services, commonly known as UCAS, is a scoring system that is set up in the UK that assists universities with the admission process. The score or also known as the UCAS points, helps universities to compare the qualifications of the student applying to that university. Some qualifications have a numerical value that is determined by the points. However, the numerical value is not assigned to each and every qualification. The UCAS tariff points basically help the university to understand if you are eligible to apply for that particular university or not. These tariff points determine the difficulty level and the general value of the qualification.

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Experience the magic of music firsthand. Reserve your spot for a personalized demo session at Seven Notes Music Academy.

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